
Life’s Hope Therapeutic

Consultation & Clinical Supervision in Westminster, CO

Work with the renowned author of The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision with decades of supervision experience. Whether you are a new therapist, experienced, or a practice owner seeking consultation; your supervisor, Christina Murphy, takes this challenge and makes clinical supervision in Westminster fun.

Services Offered

Clinical Supervision, LPC- ongoing 

Clinical Supervision, LPCC- ongoing 

Clinical Consultation, Building Private Practice 1:1

Clinical Consultation, Leadership Skill Building  1:1

Learn More Below Or Fill Out Our Request Form To Start Services

Meet Your Supervisor

About Christina

Christina Murphy, co-author of the book The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision, has been providing professional clinical supervision to counselors for over 11 years. During that time she has supervised counselors in various capacities in both the private practice setting and the community mental health settings. Christina also has advanced training and certifications in clinical supervision.

About Clinical Supervision With Christina

Clinical supervision in Westminster at our office is meant to be a collaborative empowering process that allows the supervisee a safe and secure place to learn and apply new skills without fear of consequences from a punitive supervision style. Clinical supervision is a dynamic, fast-paced process full of opportunities and challenges for both supervisor and supervisee. As a supervisee of Christina Murphy, you will gain skills and confidence to be an outstanding counselor, and will gain a true understanding of who you will be as a counselor and where you want to go with your career.

Supervising Clinicians Seeking Licensure

Christina provides clinical supervision to Licensed Professional Counselor Candidates (LPCCs) and master level intern students who have been accepted to her Counselor Leadership Alliance Program. Christina has completed her Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS) training, and is an Approved Clinical Supervisor with the University of North Carolina-Greensboro in order to continue to offer quality supervision to other counselors, including providing clinical supervision, administrative supervision, and ensuring that each counselor is provided individualized professional growth goals that include clinical, educational, and professional tracks that are included in her personalized clinical supervision framework.


Christina’s clinical supervision framework meets licensure requirements for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the State of Colorado.

Christina has extensive experience in crisis support for client populations of all ages, including teens, and their families that are considered at-risk with a history of trauma, mental health diagnoses, and/or social services which include significant abuse histories.

Learn More About Quality Supervision

Clinical Supervision Training & Resources

The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision is a model created by Khara Croswaite Brindle and Christina Murphy of Supervisionary, LLC in a recognized effort to support supervisors and supervisees in successfully navigating the complexities of community mental health.

The resulting book and training materials are offered to supervisors working in both community and private practice settings to take their supervision skills to the next level.

The Empowerment Model supports professional development and continued education opportunities for supervisors pursuing the ACS credential in Colorado.

Learn more about the book and training materials by visiting www.empowermentmodelsupervision.com or watch the informative video.

Frequently Asked Questions

Or Perhaps Questions You Didn’t Think To Ask


What Does Quality Supervision Look Like?

Quality Clinical Supervision occurs over time. It is not done as a one-time event. It’s when a supervisor participates with the supervisees to ensure quality care and quality growth within the supervisee. Effective supervisors observe, mentor, coach, evaluate, inspire, empower, and create an atmosphere that promotes self-motivation, advanced learning, professional development, increased self-awareness, leadership, ethical practices, and growth opportunities.


What Are The Different Types of Supervision?


This type of supervision focuses on the client and their environment, internal psychological processes, relational dynamics, etc.

Clinical supervision assists the supervisee in developing an understanding of the meaning of behaviors, and helps them learn to communicate the boundaries of counseling services.

In some cases, this modality also helps counselors consider whether a child/individual and/or family needs additional intervention, and, when such intervention is advisable, supports them in making effective referrals to appropriate services.


This type of supervision supports the growth of a supervisee’s reflective capacity—the ability to explore the thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions that are evoked in the supervisee’s work. It is widely agreed that as a supervisee’s capacity to engage in the reflective process grows, their self-confidence and level of mastery in the field is likely to grow as well; for this reason, reflective supervision holds an important place in the supervision process.


This type of supervision typically concerns hiring, agency policies, procedures, employee performance, and insurance training. Administrative supervision often includes a focus on professional responsibilities that are required for Colorado DORA, Colorado Medicaid, or HIPAA, including satisfactory engagement in record keeping and quality assurance efforts.


What Should a Supervisee Look for in a Quality Supervisor?

Seven Supervisory Signs Of Good Guidance

1) Do they have a clear contract that lays out roles and expectations of the relationship?

2) Ask them questions about ethical dilemmas and how they handle them. Be specific in your example.

3) Review their professional websites. Are they professional on these sites? Remember they also represent you, as you will them.

4) Ask them about their most recent clinical training? Are they staying current? You want a clinical supervisor who is relevant, current,  but also is willing to learn and realizes they are always needing to grow.

5) Is your clinical supervisor a leader in the professional community? Are they part of the ACA and other professional organizations that influence changes?

6) Think long term when selecting a supervisor. I have been a resource to most of my supervisees for over 10 years. Many are now colleagues, do you see this person becoming a professional colleague of yours in the future?

7) If it doesn’t feel right, move on….no hard feelings, sometimes it’s just not the right fit.

Clinical Supervision & Consultation Request Form